2018 Casey Family Extended Rest

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We would love it if you would pray for us during the month of January.  We will be spending this month in extended rest as a family.

Since 2014, after 10 years of full-time ministry, Stephanie and I began to sense the need for us to spend some time of intentional rest with the Lord and each other. In 2017, our 13th year of ministry, I transitioned to full-time Church ministry at Redeemer Fellowship in Kansas City.  Our leadership at the Church worked with us to make this happen.  Now on January 1st, 2018 we are on our way to mountains in North Carolina.  As we drive we are praising God for His faithfulness, the generosity of our Church leadership and my teammates who share our vision for this intentional time. 

We started planning the details of the trip this Summer and now I want to bring you in to our plans and ask you to pray for us.

We are driving 13 hours to Mars Hill, North Carolina. This is in the Appalachian mountains just North of Asheville. We will be in a nice cabin for 3 weeks.  There are hiking trails, a fireplace; and best of all, no cell phone service. 

We will also drive to Asheboro, North Carolina to visit my Grandmother, Mildred Little.  She is my mother's mother.  We will meet my Aunt Judy and Uncle Dwight there as well.

When we leave Asheboro we will go to Roanoke, Virginia to see my Aunt Camellia and my Uncle Corwin.  These are my father’s siblings. While we are in Virginia we will see my cousin Chaz lead worship and hear my Uncle Corwin preach.

The cabin where we are staying in is off of the beaten path.  It takes a four wheel drive vehicle to access it and it is perfect for us getting away from the normal hustle of life.  We will spend time reading with our kids, hiking in the snow, playing board games, and telling our kids stories about God’s faithfulness to our family.  We want our kids to understand where they came from and the faith that their great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and parents have in Christ.  Stephanie and I will also spend time praying and fasting for a few days.  We are asking God to give us rest in His presence and not just because we are taking “a long vacation”


Please pray for us…
(Will you focus on Acts 17:24-28 as you pray for us?)

  • For safety driving there and back
  • For Intimate Conversations with me and Stephanie and our kids
  • For our kids to understand the spiritual heritage that God has given us on both sides of our family.
  • That the Holy Spirit would speak to us deeply about our core identity.
  • That the Holy Spirit would renew deep vision in our hearts for His Kingdom and His Glory and our family. 
  • That our kids would experience joy and fun with their parents. We want to laugh a lot and enjoy each other as a family.


Acts 17:24-28

The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for "'In him we live and move and have our being'; as even some of your own poets have said, "'For we are indeed his offspring.'

Yours in Christ,

Marcellus Casey
Director of Ministry Leadership
Redeemer Fellowship