We would love to have your prayer support as our family is in the middle of a cross-country family vacation and ministry trip. I meant to send this before we left but I wasn’t able complete it. We are on vacation together for 8 days (Denver + Utah + Santa Monica) before I speak at FCA camp at UCLA for 3 days (video link). It would mean the world to us if you would take the time to pray for us. We left Kansas City on Friday June 22nd and we appreciate those of you that have already been praying for our travels. We are on our last 2 days of vacation before we join the FCA Camp on UCLA’s campus.

Here are some specific things that you could pray for us…

  • For the 1500+ high school & college athletes and coaches that will attend FCA Camp. Please pray that I will communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ clearly. Please pray that the campers hearts will be prepared by God to receive His Word. Please pray for spiritual chains to be broken in their lives. Please pray that God gives me spiritual power, wisdom, revelation, understanding, discernment, and boldness to allow the Holy Spirit to be active and at work for His glory at camp. I preach 3 nights in a row. June 30, July 1, and July 2nd.

  • That Stephanie and I would enjoy each other and the folks we interact with at camp. Also that my kids (Salem, Cora, Vivienne, and Ralphie) would be impacted as they listen to the sermons as well.

  • Please also pray for my friend Chris. Chris is a boxer from KC that I have been pouring my life in to. He’s 24 yrs old and a new father. We have spent a lot of time together training, and talking about life and fatherhood. Two people helped me fly Chris out to LA for camp so he can experience a different city other than KC and here the gospel proclaimed in the camp setting. Pray that God speaks to Chris’ heart while he’s out here.

Here are some things that you could pray for us on our 3 day drive back to KC...


  • Holy Spirit led conversations with me, Stephanie, and our kiddos while we drive

  • Psalm 91

    • Protection as we drive to Denver, Utah, Los Angeles and back.

    • Protection from sickness, fatigue

  • That God would give us eyes to see and hearts to receive the beauty that he created in the parts of the country that we visit.

  • That God would use us to be an example of His kingdom and glory as we travel.

  • That we would be able to share the gospel with people as we travel

  • That our kiddos will be prompted to have significant life-changing conversations with me and Stephanie while we have time together.